The unexpected downside to losing weight

Are you working out and achieving amazing results all over your body, but your face seems to be changing… and not in a positive way? I have many clients who are undergoing positive body changes, only to find their faces looking the opposite. Who knew there was an unexpected downside to losing weight!

Since I’m next door to Athletics & Aesthetics, many of my clients frequent the gym. I have male and female athletes and many others on a weight loss journey. Both sides are losing volume in their faces, but it’s not always a good thing. Read on to see what I mean!

How weight loss affects your face

If a person rapidly loses weight, they may notice a significant change in their face. This facial reduction can lead to sagging skin, making one look thinner, tired, and even older. BS, right? You’re working so hard to look your best, but your weight loss is somehow backfiring. 

When men lose weight, they may notice their jawline, chin, or neck thin out. This makes them feel less masculine since many men (and those attracted to men!) prefer a stronger jawline. They may also notice hollow temples (more on those later).

Us girls? When we lose weight in our face, the first thing we notice is our skin. A loss in facial volume introduces new signs of aging like sagging skin, bags under the eyes, and wrinkles. 

How can you make your face look youthful and “full” again without gaining weight? Two words: Facial Sculpting.

facial sculpting to restore lost volume

Facial sculpting, also called facial contouring, is a treatment designed to create extra definition. I perform it through various dermal fillers and it is a totally safe and non-invasive procedure. 

Through strategic placement, facial sculpting can work wonders helping to fill in lost volume, enhance certain facial curves, and even visibly reduce others (like a non-surgical nose job!). 

For example, let’s look at temples - a common concern for both male and female patients who seek facial sculpting.

Hollowed temples can make you look older or even dehydrated, and losing weight further pronounces them. A smooth transition from your cheeks to your forehead makes for a more balanced facial profile. 

Filler injections to the temple can restore fullness and encourage collagen production in this area for continued improvement over the following months post-injections.



Believe it or not, facial sculpting via dermal fillers is natural - in a way. These FDA-approved compounds are made from substances like hyaluronic acid, or HA, which are found naturally within the body. Over time, it safely absorbs and returns back to normal.

Here are some of the many benefits of facial sculpting:

✔️  Non-invasive procedure that takes 10-20 minutes

✔️  Safer, non-surgical option to restore lost facial volume

✔️  Effective way to enhance your favorite facial features

✔️  Promotes the production of collagen resulting in a more youthful appearance

✔️  Results improve over time as the body produces more collagen

✔️  Requires no downtime (maybe some slight bruising)

✔️  Lasts 6 months or longer (!)

✔️  Provides natural yet noticeable results

✔️  Can stop treatments anytime and let fillers naturally dissolve


If we haven’t met yet, I’m Lea Henderson. Based here in the heart of Albuquerque, I perform facial sculpting for clients from all over New Mexico. I understand starting aesthetic services, especially injectables, can be scary at first - so come in and let’s chat. Over a free consultation, I’ll answer any questions you have about facial sculpting and the entire aesthetic process. 

You’re working so hard to look as amazing as you do. I’m here to help you feel your best and make sure the face in the mirror reflects the person you want to be. 

Keep kicking A$$ and dropping lbs, I’ll do the rest.


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